a fraction of the images from this gorgeous spring extended family session.

a fraction of the images from this gorgeous spring extended family session.
She was itty bitty when I met them. It was freezing cold and raining. A couple of back and forths from a Craigslist ad and there we were. It was my very first session after deciding to make the jump into photography. This adorable couple and a new baby girl. And now, ten years later..
Love is adoption. How lucky are these two girls to be brought together into this amazing (times a million) family?! And how did I get to be the one to capture them every year?! Lord, you are so good <3<3
They have their mama’s heart and have stolen mine! What a joy to watch them grow <3<3
Seriously, there is nothing better than a hot summer night at the river. Your children will be thoroughly entertained by the cool, rushing water and we will surely capture some magic <3
This little man was JUST a newborn, and now as I blog his one year session (way behind schedule) he is moments away from being a big brother! Such a happy boy who I cannot wait to see again as a big brother!
Why do we say children ‘grow like a weed?!’ There are so many things in creation that grow as quickly but with so much more beauty :) For example, did you know that a sunflower can grow up to twelve feet in only three months?! And that they reach maturity in as little as 70 days?! So here is the new saying, beginning and ending with me (maybe ;), ‘children grow like a sunflower’.. pass it on <3<3<3
That’s what children do, I’m learning. Grow and grow. And it is joyous and heartbreaking all at once.